The faith development of a child is a journey shared between families and the parish community. Our Catholic Church believes parents are the primary educators of their children. The Children's Faith Formation program at St. Paul the Apostle Parish seeks to support parents and children by providing catechetical instruction in sacrament preparation, Scripture, doctrine, and prayer in order to help form faithful and knowledgeable disciples of Jesus Christ. We are excited to offer three options of in-person children's faith formation (Pre-K through grade 5) for the 2024-2025 school year:
SUNDAYS: St. Matthew's Church, 70 Western Ave, Hampden Class in the lower level: 9-10:15 am followed by Holy Mass at 10:30am
SUNDAYS: St. Mary's Campus (ASCS), 768 Ohio Street, Bangor 8:30 Mass at St. Mary's Church followed by class in the lower level of the school from 9:45-11am
WEDNESDAYS: St. Joseph's Church Hall (use lower rear entrance), 531 N Main St, Brewer 3:45-5pm To request the Domestic/Home Study option, please complete this form before September 8 (subject to approval by Pastor).