Please note the Chapel is not open to the public on Wednesdays.
If you would like to visit the Adoration Chapel outside of these hours please call the parish office and ask about signing up to be a registered Adorer.
Coordinator: Spike Brimmer ([email protected] or 207-478-9620)
Cell phones: If you have one, please bring it (there is no phone system accessible outside Cemetery Office hours), but please keep it on silent mode.
Sign in: Please be sure to sign in upon arriving for your scheduled hour (by highlighting your name).
The Blessed Sacrament may never be left alone when exposed in the monstrance. If there is an emergency, please notify your Division Leader.
Know your Division Leader: Please have his or her contact information posted at home and in your wallet, purse, and/or cell phone.
Know your hour prayer partner and how to reach him/her. On your first visit, please greet and/or introduce yourself to your prayer partner after you have greeted the Lord. Those who share the same Holy Hour are encouraged to exchange contact information (as well as with your “hourly neighbors” – those who have the hour prior and after).
Finding a substitute: The best method is to have a substitute already agreed upon, prior to any need (family, friends, or other parishioners). Division Leaders can help in finding a suitable substitute. Please always contact your Division Leader when you are having a substitute cover your hour. (Offer to swap hours!)
Church doors: The front doors of St. Mary’s Church are unlocked only on weekday mornings (for 8:30 Mass). The general public can come to the Adoration Chapel (even if not signed up for a slot) when the Cemetery Office is open: Mon. Tues. Thurs. Fri. 9-2 (the door is NOT unlocked and they must call the number posted on the door to be let in). Please be sure to close the door securely behind you – both when entering and departing.
Books and prayer materials are in conformity with Church doctrine. They are for use within the Adoration Chapel; please do not “borrow” and take home. Donated materials must be approved by the parish office; anything not approved will be removed.
Chapel closings: In the event of cancellation due to weather, you will receive both a phone call and e-mail from the Division Leader. When in doubt, please call your Division Leader. Holiday schedules will be listed on the parish web site, in the parish Bulletin, and on myParish app.
Access code: For the sake of our security, please do not share your access code. If a substitute needs the code, please be sure to contact your Division Leader with the substitute’s contact information.
Chapel Etiquette: Please remember that we are not only in God’s House, but in His very presence.
Remember – Jesus Is Truly, Really & Substantially Present in the Blessed Sacrament